Tending a web mend in awe [2023] was shown in group show, I'm so into you, curated by Ivy Deacon.
Strangefield Glasgow, French Street Gallery.

tending a web, mend in awe

In playing with the legibility of letters carved in stone;
I push against a sense of sureness or certainty. Reading in circulation,
The reverse is a site of practical learning,
imperfectly formed,
working out,
a testing ground,
the underside,
invisibility allowed to be visible.
Rose dyed silk drapes around the stones,
gathering intimate traces of the web of relationships that surround us.
Saved dust gathered from the carving process is held within a
ceramic vessel, made within a care-giving setting;
drawing, painting, sculpting
alongside each other holding space for togetherness,
working simultaneously,
consciously/subconsciously responding to energies and rhythms -
their creative autonomy upheld in this separate togetherness.
Bamboo sticks, wrapped in fabric and thread, are leftover
from a project with children;
they have held up dens,
waved handmade flags,
extended the handles of drawing tools…
sections they wanted to keep torn off and stuffed into pockets.
Now, these relationships interwoven within them, are held more
tightly together, incorporating elements from collaborations with
my friends, made with a similar playfulness.

I’m so into you holds the work of extended groups of friendships;
tending a web, mend in awe sits amongst friends’, friends of friends’,
and friends of friends of friends’ works with warmth, despite the
coldness of the gallery.