I start with a framework, a structure; building something with the hope of it being a place to meet, to share, to gather. Secondly, around this, I build another framework, this one is immaterial: in the form of questions, invitations, negotiations, expectations, curiosity. These frameworks work both with and against each other, revel in the dance of figuring-out-ness, they are built to change, adapt with each conversation, with each trace, together they host a desire to build connections and hold the space where new connections might form.

Within this work I play with the idea of a ‘studio visit’, or more generally, conversations between people, exploring how this relationship building is a creative practice in itself. Over time the frame will accumulate the traces of these meetings and these traces will interweave, form new connections and enter into new and unexpected dialogues with each other.

Thank you to all who have been open to this collaboration so far, the works shown on this frame are direct traces of their practice and the time we shared within this space: Mark Foss, Noah Emmanuel Morrison, Laura de Jaeger, Eva Liisa Kubinyi, Margit Säde, Lee Richardson, Agata Marzecova and her son August, and ABZ Kids Say Free Palestine.


On the frame so far:

- Mark Foss shared with me the text Jan Verwoert, Gathering people like gathering thoughts, and brought along the book All horses are the same colour, and a rice paper calendar page from a collaboration he worked on with Laura de Jaeger.
- Laura de Jaeger left a miniature 3d printed tram arm rest/support.
- Noah Emmanuel Morrison wrote a question directly onto the frame reading How can we move to a place here everyone has the capacity to be equally differentiated? and we placed one of my handwoven Palestine flags upon the frame.
- Together with Eva Liisa Kubinyi we connected wooden disks to reference the sheets she uses in sessions the speak of balance and equalising (also placed upon the frame).
- The meeting with Margit took place in logisaun, a sauna which she coinitiated/built/runs with a collective for 4 other women. She gave me a log which heats the sauna to be halved and turned into a pair of bowls; one for the structure and the other made into a sauna spoon.
- Lee Richardson was reminded of his grandmother in the weaving and together, as we spoke, we twisted wool between our fingers and spun it into yarn, something he used to do with her as a boy, now hanging and decorating the cushions.
- Agata Marzecova and her son August were also particularly taken by the weaving, they created cloud like shapes across the warp. The session existed outside so the rug we sat/lay/rolled upon gathered many tree-seeds which now sit in the sauna log bowl.
- ABZ Kids say free Palestine are a group of children and young people who have been using creative protest in Aberdeen, Scotland, every Saturday since that start of 2024, to speak up about the genocide currently being committed by the state of Isreal on Palestine. I met with them during one of the protests where they have a pop-up creative protest studio on the main street. A zine of their drawings and messages hangs upon the frame.

Hosting traces, tracing hosts [a collaboration still unfolding]
Tallinn, 2024
Ma alustan raamistikust, struktuurist; ehitan midagi, lootes, et see on kohtumispaik, kus saab jagada, kokku tulla. Teiseks, selle ümber ehitan ma teise raamistiku, see on immateriaalne: küsimuste, kutsete, läbirääkimiste, ootuste, uudishimu kujul. Need raamistikud töötavad nii üksteisega kui ka üksteise vastu, nad on ehitatud muutuma, kohanduma iga vestluse, iga jälje puhul, koos võõrustavad nad soovi luua ühendusi ja hoiavad ruumi, kus võivad tekkida uued ühendused.

Selles töös mängin ma "stuudiovisiidi" ideega või üldisemalt inimestevaheliste vestluste ideega, uurides, kuidas selline suhete loomine on iseenesest loominguline praktika. Aja jooksul kogunevad raami nende kohtumiste jäljed ja need jäljed põimuvad, moodustavad uusi ühendusi ning astuvad omavahel uutesse ja ootamatutesse dialoogidesse.

Tänan kõiki, kes on seni olnud avatud sellele koostööle: Mark Foss, Noah Emmanuel Morrison, Laura de Jaeger, Eva Liisa Kubinyi, Margit Säde, Lee Richardson, Agata Marzecova and her son August, and ABZ Kids Say Free Palestine.